
Approximate Conversions of Nema Enclosure Types to IP Classification Designations

Approximate Conversions of NEMA Enclosure Types to IP Classification Designations

NEMA ratings can only be approximately compared to those of the IP system. Other factors such as corrosion protection and construction details are involved in the NEMA system; please refer to each organization’s official documentation for details.

The table provides a near equivalent guide for converting from NEMA Enclosure Type Numbers to IEC Enclosure Classification Designations.

This information is provided as a guide only for comparing NEMA enclosure types to IEC designations. The table should not be used to convert from IEC classifications to NEMA Types and the NEMA to IEC conversion should be verified by test.

Table 6. Approximate Conversions of Nema Enclosure Types to IP Classification Designations

NEMA Enclosure 
Type Number
IEC Enclosure
1 IP23
2 IP30
3 IP54
3R IP54
3S IP54
4 and 4X IP66
5 IP52
6 and 6P IP67
12 and 12K IP55
13 IP65

For more information on IP standards visit: IEC – – Ingress Protection (IP) Standard 60529

The content in this section presents general information describing the classification systems that Guardian Telecom designs, manufactures and markets telephone and paging system products to, including ATEX, NEC, CEC and IEC.
All information is for general reference purposes only. All applicable local and national regulations and practices concerning Explosion Proof and Hazardous Area communications equipment must be strictly followed and adhered to.
For detailed information refer to published documents on hazardous location definitions and installation requirements presented by: 1) NEC®, 2) CEC Canadian Electrical Code, 3) IEC

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